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von Margit Link-Rodrigue

Xml upload

Version vom 29. November 2023, 14:02 Uhr von Margit Link-Rodrigue (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{Textbox|boxtype=important|header=XML file type:{{Bsvs|bsvFrom=4.x+}}|text=The ''xml'' file type is blacklisted since MW 1.39 and has to be allowed in ''LocalSettings.php'': <pre> $GLOBALS['wgProhibitedFileExtensions'] = array_diff( $GLOBALS['wgProhibitedFileExtensions'] ?? [], [ 'xml' ] ); $GLOBALS['wgMimeTypeExclusions'] = array_diff( $GLOBALS['wgMimeTypeExclusions'] ?? [], [ 'application/xml', 'text/xml' ] ); </pre>|icon=no}}“)
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XML file type:  v4.x++The xml file type is blacklisted since MW 1.39 and has to be allowed in LocalSettings.php:
$GLOBALS['wgProhibitedFileExtensions'] = array_diff( $GLOBALS['wgProhibitedFileExtensions'] ?? [], [ 'xml' ] );
$GLOBALS['wgMimeTypeExclusions'] = array_diff( $GLOBALS['wgMimeTypeExclusions'] ?? [], [ 'application/xml', 'text/xml' ] );
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